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5 key Aspects of Health Coaching


Updated: Apr 10, 2021

Coaching and "health" coaching in particular can seem like a mysterious process. Here I discuss briefly some of the important aspects of health coaching and the value of these tools in making life improving, lasting change.

1. A coach helps you discover your “why”

A lack of information is not a common reason people struggle to make and sustain changes. Let's face it, you know what to do, you know how to do it and yet, you just can't make it stick. What can be missing is your "why" behind your actions. When we explore and understand our values, our hopes and dreams, what drives us, what matters to us, motivation comes naturally and results follow.

2. They empower you as the expert on your own body, mind, and circumstances

You know your body better than anybody else. You have years of experience living in it. You are in charge. You know what feels good and what doesn't. What has worked in the past and what hasn't. You may not realise, but you have a huge amount of data on you. Let that sink in. If you are someone who has experienced the conventional medical system you will know what it feels like to have your agency taken away. We are used to doing as we are told, even when our intuition says otherwise. We are conditioned to think that experts always know what is in our best interests. Of course this is helpful and necessary in some circumstances but not in all and can lead to a feeling of helplessness. A coaches job is to understand and give voice to what you think, feel and need in a completely judgement free environment. We trust that you have the answers within you and together we find them. The better you understand yourself and trust your intuition, the more you can make choices that align with your individual values.

3. They help you identify challenges and blind spots that are preventing change

An objective viewer can see what you can't. In the same way that colleagues or friends can proof read our work and spot mistakes that we have missed, a coach can help you identify potential pit falls or obstacles to your plan and help you avoid them. Coaches have training and expertise in the science of behaviour change. With this insight and awareness you are more likely to succeed in your endeavours

4. They provide support and accountability

A coach will partner with you to help you stay on track and accountable to whatever you wish to achieve. Change is hard. It takes effort, determination, organisation. You might even face opposition from people around you who don't want you to change. Having someone on your team who believes in you and supports you can make this process easier. A coach will celebrate the highs and pick you up when you hit a low. Accountability means we are there to hold you accountable to your commitment in whatever way suits you. We coach from a place of non-judgment which means we are not breathing down your neck and chastising you when you don't do what you say you will. We gently keep you on track to achieve the success you deserve.

5. They use their broad knowledge of health and wellness to help you navigate whatever your health concern may be

Coaches will work alongside you in a collaborative partnership to break down and strategise your route to better health. To be able to work towards an individuals goals effectively we are trained extensively and also have a great passion for knowledge on all aspects of health. This helps coaches to be aware of the context you may be working in and understand and empathise with the specific challenges you are facing. We can share up to date, evidence based information and resources where it is in service to your needs. And where we have experienced similar struggles we may share our stories. Many health coaches have faced challenges which led them to become passionate about behaviour change in this area. Having validation for your pain and struggle from someone who understands can be deeply healing and help empower you to take steps yourself.

In summary, health coaching brings together motivational interviewing, positive psychology, the science of behaviour change and a mindset and heart set that holds a non judgemental space for you to grow and flourish. It sets you firmly in the drivers seat of your life with the coach as your navigator, guiding you on the fastest and smoothest route to your destination whilst encouraging stops to admire the scenery (and successes) along the way. Where could that road take you if you had the right support?

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